Deskripsi cocos nucifera pdf

Yang digunakan sebagai bahan upacara padudusan agung characters variation of coconut cocos nucifera l. Istilah ini berasal dari kata portugis dan spanyol abad ke16, coco yang berarti kepala atau tengkorak. Berdasarkan taksonominya, tumbuhan kelapa termasuk dalam divisio. Coconut water is produced by a 5 month old nut, about 2 cups of crystal clear, cool sweet invert sugars and sucrose liquid, so pure and sterile that during world war ii, it was used in emergencies instead of sterile glucose solution, and put directly into a. It has been commonly planted in frost free tropical areas throughout the world in a variety of conspicuous locations including coastal areas, beaches, parks, along streets, residential yards, near commercial buildingshotels, and on golf. Tanaman kelapa cocos nucifera linn karya tulis ilmiah.

Deskripsi lengkap komponen sampel yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum. These days you may see a curious houseplant on sale in box stores and garden centers. Probably the most well known and most popular of all palms, the coconut palm hardly needs an introduction. Keanekaragaman karakter tanaman kelapa cocos nucifera l. Leon levy native plant preserve plant listings cocos. In particular cases, this species may be considered for use under specific management practices that have been approved by the ifas invasive plant working group. The major classification of coconut based on stature or height is as follows.

Definisi kelapa memiliki nama ilmiah cocos nucifera yaitu termasuk dalam marga cocos dari suku aren atau arecaceae. Leon levy native plant preserve plant listings cocos nucifera. Klasifikasi serta manfaat kelapa bagi manusia kelapa yang dalam bahasa latin dikenal dengan nama cocos nucifera adalah salah satu pohon tropis yang masuk kedalam suku arenarenan. Watson2 introduction the coconut palm is one of mans most useful plants fig. Kelapa merupakan tanaman perkebunanindustri berupa pohon batang lurus dari famili palmae. Its all parts are used in someway or another in the daily life of the. Deskripsi tanaman kelapa cocos nucifera universitas negeri semarang. Predicted to be invasive and not recommended by ifas. The various products of coconut include tender coconut water, copra, coconut oil, raw kernel, coconut cake, coconut toddy, coconut shell and wood based products, coconut leaves, coir pith etc. Klasifikasi serta manfaat kelapa bagi manusia tanaman obat. A coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm, cocos nucifera. Ada dua pendapat mengenai asal usul kelapa yaitu dari amerika selatan menurut d. Tanaman kelapa cocos nucifera linn merupakan tanamam tropis yang termasuk dalam famili arecaceae, genus cocos, ordo palmae dan kelas monocotyledonae. Tanaman kelapa diperkirakan berasal dari pesisir samudera hindia.

Klasifikasi dan ciri ciri morfologi kelapa materi pertanian. Arecaceae is commonly called the coconut tree and is the most naturally widespread fruit plant on earth. It has large, pinnate leaves at the top of a smooth trunk. This very tall palm tree is always an inviting symbol of the tropics. Dispersal by humans has played a major role in the naturalization of the. Identifikasi morfologi famili arecaceae di kabupaten gowa. Keragaman morfologi cocos nucifera di kabupaten kebumen terdapat pada karakter tinggi dan lingkar batang, panjang. The atlas of florida plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. The family arecaceae includes 183 genera and 2361 species distributed mostly in humid tropical and subtropical regions of the world stevens, 2012. Kelapa adalah salah satu jenis tanaman yang termasuk ke dalam suku pinangpinangan arecaceae. Coconut water is produced by a 5 month old nut, about 2 cups of crystal clear, cool sweet invert sugars and sucrose liquid, so pure and sterile that during world war ii, it was used in emergencies instead of sterile glucose solution, and put directly into a patients veins. Pohon kelapa cocos nucifera adalah tanaman perkebunan yang banyak tersebar di wilayah tropis. The coconut tree cocos nucifera is a member of the palm tree family and the only known living species of the genus cocos. The anatomical features of coconut stem at several depth and heights were each observed.

Kelapa cocos nucifera adalah anggota tunggal dalam marga cocos dari suku arenarenan atau arecaceae. Coconut shell flour used in industry as filler in plastics. The underside of cocos nucifera leaflets have small tan to brown ramenta along the midrib and tiny brown scales fringed with white. Semoga pos dari situs web kelapa sawit berguna dan memberi manfaat. However, it is not a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the university of south florida and other herbaria. Kelapa merupakan tanaman yang penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Arti kata kelapa atau coconut, dalam bahasa inggris dapat merujuk pada keseluruhan pohon kelapa, biji, atau buah, yang secara botani adalah pohon berbuah, bukan pohon kacangkacangan. Identifikasi morfologi famili arecaceae di kabupaten gowa skripsi diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat mencapai gelar sarjana sains jurusan biologi pada fakultas. Berikut ini adalah rincian klasifikasi dan morfologi kelapa. It has been commonly planted in frost free tropical areas throughout the world in a variety of conspicuous locations including coastal areas, beaches, parks, along streets, residential yards, near commercial. Coconuts are believed to be native to southeast asia, where they have been cultivated and used in food for centuries. Cocos nucifera repository usu universitas sumatera utara. The leaves are pinnnately compound and up to 7 m in length.

It is naturalized in coastal tropical areas around the world. Kelapa cocos nucifera l merupakan salah satu anggota tanaman palmae yang paling dikenal dan banyak tersebar di daerah tropis. Cocos nucifera plant finder missouri botanical garden. Hosted by the usgs core science analytics and synthesis. Cocos nucifera ufifas assessment university of florida. Artikel tentang tanaman bambu ini akan menjelaskan ciri ciri bambu lengkap beserta klasifikasi dan morfologi tanaman bambu klasifikasi dan deskripsi bambu. Tanaman kelapa diperkirakan berasal dari pesisir samudera hindia, hingga kini penyebarannya sudah menyebar ke seluruh pantai tropika dunia. Klasifikasi dan ciri ciri morfologi tanaman kelapa. Ciri lain ujung daun muda busungbahasa bali janur kadang ada yang. Coconut palm contains tall cultivars, sometimes referred to as var. The heavy crown of long flowing fronds and gently curved trunks of coconut palm lend a tropical effect to any. Daunnya panjang dapat mencapai sekitar 34 meter lebih dengan siripsirip lidi yang menopang pada tiap helaian. The nuts have the capability to survive up to 120 days floating in the sea water and germinate when they make landfall. Silakan berbagi ulasan deskripsi pohon kelapa cocos nucifera tadi ke situs web media anda.

Cocos nucifera is believed to have originated in the old world tropics, but the natural range is unknown and the origin of the species is the subject of consid erable debate harries 1978, parrotta 1993. Human exploration and dispersal history of the coconut cocos nucifera l. Beberapa pendapat menyebutkan kalau tanaman ini berasal dari amerika selatan. Page designed through the cooperative efforts of interagency itis teams. The term coconut or the archaic cocoanut can refer to the whole coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit, which botanically is a drupe, not a nut. Keanekaragaman karakter tanaman kelapa cocos nucifera yang. The leaves are arranged in a spiral fashion grouped at the growing tip. Untuk itu dilakukan karakterisasi morfologi nyuh madan, terutama yang digunakan untuk upakara padudusan alit.

It is believed to originate in the southwest pacific and malesian region but of course is cultivated everywhere in the tropics today as an important agricultural crop and the ultimate palm for coastal areas. Kelapa wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Cicurug, sukabumi pada ketinggian tempat 550 m dpl. Cocos nucifera identifying commonly cultivated palms. Kopra adalah daging buah tanaman kelapa yang telah dikeringkan dengan cara penjemuran, pengasapan atau pengeringan mekanis lainnya. No other palm will withstand as much wind and saltspray, but it is. Buah kelapa berwarna hijau, kuning, dan ada yang berwarna orange. Tanaman ini dapat dimanfaatkan hampir diseluruh bagiannya oleh manusia sehingga dapat dikatakan sebagai tanaman serbaguna, terutama bagi masyarakat yang mendiami daerha pesisir. Early spanish explorers called it coco, which means monkey face because the three indentations eyes on the hairy nut resembles the head and face of a monkey. Kelapa dalam cocos nucifera l di berbagai ekologi lahan. Tanaman ini termasuk tanaman serba guna dan zero waste karena hampir seluruh bagian tanaman kelapa bisa dimanfaatkan oleh manusia. Tanaman kelapa cocos nucifera adalah tumbuhan dari keluarga arenarenan yang sering tumbuh di pesisir.

Meskipun demikian belum banyak masyarakat yang mengetahui seluk beluk pertumbuhan kelapa, teknik budidaya, kegunaan. The male flower has six perianth segments surrounding six stamens. Apakah anda ingin mengetahui deskripsi tentang pohon kelapa. Cocos nucifera is used in the bahamas to cure sore throats. This really is a coconut palm but it is not a good houseplant. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan metode deskripsi dalam bentuk. Used as materials of padudusan agung ceremony in bali eniek kriswiyanti jurusan biologi fmipa universitas udayana, kampus bukit jimbaran e mail. Cocos nucifera coconut palm american university of beirut. Cocos nucifera grows with a single unbranched trunk often leaning, up to 30 m in height and 50 cm in diameter although the base gets thicker. Buku berjudul produksi tanaman kelapa cocos nucifera l. Following pollination, only one carpel develops into the seed, the other two aborting. Throughout history, humans have used medicinal plants therapeutically, and minerals, plants, and animals have traditionally. Deskripsi pohon kelapa cocos nucifera kelapa sawit. Makalah morfologi tumbuhan kelapa cocos nucifera disusun oleh.

The heavy crown of long flowing fronds and gently curved trunks lend a tropical effect to any landscape setting in which they can grow. Kelapa cocos nucifera adalah tanaman perkebunan dan industri yang berbentuk pohon yang memiliki batang lurus dari famili palmae. Cocos nucifera, commonly called coconut or coconut palm, is a tall tree that is native to tropical islands in the western pacific. The heavy crown of long flowing fronds and gently curved trunks lend a tropical effect to. Kelapa dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber makanan, minuman, bahan bangunan, obat obatan, kerajinan tangan bahkan juga pada beberapa industri seperti kosmetik, sabun dan lain lain. Abstract this study was carried out to compare the antioxidant and nutritional properties of coconut cocos nucifera l. Bunganya merupakan bunga majemuk dan buahnya berukuran besar dengan diameter kirakira 1020 cm. Cook, van martius beccari dan thor herjerdahl dan dari asia atau indo pasific menurut berry, werth, mearil, mayurathan, lepesma, dan pureseglove. Noone knows for sure but it is believed that this palm originated around the western pacific, but can now be found throughout the tropical coastlines of the world. As a portable source of nutrition and water, the coconut played a critical role in the ability of early humans to voyage, establish trade routes, and colonize lands in the pacific rim. Dalam taksonomi tumbuhtumbuhan, maka tanaman kelapa dimasukkan ke dalam klasifikasi sebagai berikut.

The flowers can be a important source for honey bees. Cocos nucifera l jurnal media pertanian universitas batanghari. Morfologi tanaman kelapa akar kelapa merupakan akar serabut, tebal dan berkayu yang berkerumun membentuk bonggol. Semua bagian pohon kelapa dapat dimanfaatkan, mulai dari bunga, batang, pelepah, daun, buah, bahkan akarnya pun dapat dimanfaatkan. Watson2 introduction one of mans most useful plants fig. Pohon kelapa mempunyai batang yang lurus dengan tinggi 12 meter dan berdiameter 2060 cm woodroof, 1979. Identifikasi morfologi famili arecaceae di kabupaten. Pengamatan dan pengumpulan data dilakukan terhadap karakter morfologi tanaman kelapa meliputi sifat kuantitatif dan kualitatif yaitu morfologi batang, daun dan komponen buah hasil penelitian menunjukkan budidaya tanaman cocos nucifera di kabupaten kebumen telah sesuai dengan rekomendasi, dipandang dari segi pemindahan bibit ke lahan, pembuatan. While every effort has been made to provide the most reliable and uptodate information available, ultimate legal requirements with respect to species are contained in. Di kabupaten manggarai barat berdasarkan karakter morfologi dan anatomi download download pdf. Klasifikasi dan morfolofi tanaman kelapa cocos nucifera l. Throughout history, humans have used medicinal plants therapeutically, and minerals, plants, and animals have traditionally been the main sources of drugs. Itis taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties.

Deskripsi tanaman kelapa cocos nucifera kelapa cocos. Tumbuhan ini dimanfaatkan hampir semua bagiannya oleh manusia sehingga dianggap sebagai tumbuhan serba guna, khususnya bagi masyarakat pesisir. The larger female flowers are globose and consist of six perianth segments in two whorls, a tricarpellate ovary and trifid stigma. Seputar deskripsi pohon kelapa cocos nucifera terima kasih telah membaca deskripsi pohon kelapa cocos nucifera.

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